
Smartblog Feed

    Dusty Rhodes
      Feb 15, 2023
    • curb appeal
    • Real Estate
    • Seasonality

    5 Low Cost Ways to Upgrade Your Lawn’s Landscaping

    Your yard and outdoor space are also an important part of your home and the landscaping can contribute to your home’s overall curb appeal. That said, upgrading your landscaping doesn’t have to break the bank. If hiring a professional landscaper isn’t in the budget for you, not to worry. These low cost landscaping ideas are perfect for anyone who wants to rejuvenate their yard on a budget.
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  • merry and bright
    Dusty Rhodes
      Nov 16, 2022
    • Seasonality
    • Home Storage
    • Portable Storage

    8 Tips to Jumpstart the Christmas Decorating Process

    It’s that time of year again! The stores are already decorated, Black Friday sales have begun, and Christmas commercials are on every channel. This year, instead of letting the holidays hit you like a brick wall, plan in advance so you can enjoy every minute of this joyous holiday season. Here are a few helpful tips for getting ready for Christmas with no stress!
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    Dusty Rhodes
      Sep 28, 2022
    • Seasonality
    • Portable Storage
    • Storage

    7 Creative Ways to Decorate Your Home’s Exterior for Fall

    It’s also a wonderful time to celebrate upcoming harvests, festivals, and holidays that are soon to come. You can welcome this change of season and cozy up your home with outdoor fall decorations that add warmth and character to your home. Whether you are decorating your entryway, patio, or porch, here are some great ideas for decorating your home’s exterior and celebrating the season!
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    Dusty Rhodes
      Dec 08, 2021
    • Seasonality
    • Home Storage
    • college moves

    5 Ideas for Celebrating the Holidays in a Dorm Room

    Not every college student has the opportunity to go home for the holidays. Perhaps they are working during the break, don't have the money for a plane ticket home, or are wrapping up school-related responsibilities. Whatever the reason, they can still enjoy the spirit of the season from the comfort of their dorm room. We all know that the life of a college student is typically a frugal one, so we have compiled some great ideas to help college students celebrate the holidays...even on a budget. If you’re on campus this holiday season, you can enjoy your own traditions and celebrate the season in these new and exciting ways.
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    Dusty Rhodes
      Nov 10, 2021
    • Seasonality
    • Portable Storage
    • Personal Storage

    4 Holiday Gift Ideas You Can Store in a Portable Storage Unit

    coming up with a strategy for hiding presents from clever kids and sneaky adults. Kids are naturally curious creatures and they are bound to search your home to try and get a sneak peek at their holiday surprises. Even your spouse might be tempted to snoop out those poorly hidden gifts. However, you may not have room in your home for that perfect hiding spot. What’s more, large or bulky items can be especially difficult to hide because of their shape and size. Save yourself the stress and keep your holiday gifts a surprise by utilizing a portable storage unit to store your large holiday gifts. Here are four gift ideas that would be perfect for hiding in a portable storage unit.
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  • nathan-dumlao-Eh8PK-jlLCI-unsplash (1)
    Dusty Rhodes
      Sep 11, 2020
    • Storage
    • Portable Storage
    • Seasonality
    • Organization

    How to Store Lawn Equipment

    Fall is officially around the corner and that means it’s time to put away the summer lawn equipment and break out the leaf blower and rake. However, before you just pile all of your lawn equipment into the back of your garage, it’s important to make sure you have taken the proper measures to ensure your equipment is safe from the outdoor elements. While neatly storing these items away is a great first step, there are a few techniques that should be followed to ensure your equipment will be functioning properly next year.
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    Dusty Rhodes
      Apr 27, 2020
    • Storage
    • Portable Storage
    • Personal Storage
    • Seasonality
    • Cleaning

    How to Deep Clean Your House During the Coronavirus Outbreak

    The novel coronavirus has Americans quarantined in their homes and under strict orders to stay home as much as possible in order to prevent the spread of this virus. Nonetheless, we all have to venture out at some point to pick up groceries, take-out, or other essential items. This leaves many homeowners wondering, “What can I do to ensure my home is clean during the coronavirus outbreak?” As details emerge about how long the virus can live on surfaces, people want to be sure they are taking the right steps to keep their homes clean and their families safe. Here are a few tips for how to properly clean and disinfect your home during the coronavirus outbreak.
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  • Stop Drop and Clean
    Dusty Rhodes
      Apr 10, 2020
    • Cleaning
    • Portable Storage
    • Seasonality

    9 Cleaning Hacks to Protect Your Home Against COVID-19

    All of us have been impacted by the coronavirus in one way or another so how can we protect ourselves and our family from this novel virus? Now is the time to be more cautious than ever about the surfaces we touch such as countertops, doorknobs, refrigerator handles, cabinet pulls, light switches, and bathroom surfaces. One of the best ways to minimize your exposure to COVID-19 and prevent the spread of the virus is to keep your home disinfected and sanitized. Here are a few cleaning hacks that can help keep your home sanitized during this pandemic.
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  • portable storage in a pandemic
    Dusty Rhodes
      Mar 24, 2020
    • Seasonality
    • Personal Storage
    • Cleaning
    • School
    • Portable Storage

    Why Portable Storage is a Good Solution During COVID-19

    As the pandemic continues to impact people and businesses across the country, it might be helpful to know that portable storage can be a great solution during these uncertain times. There are a number of ways in which portable storage can be beneficial and rest assured that the safety of consumers is at the forefront of Smartbox Portable Storage & Moving. We are committed to providing our customers with storage solutions by following all guidelines for sanitation, cleanliness, and precautionary measures.
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  • Too Cool for School
    Dusty Rhodes
      Mar 10, 2020
    • School
    • Seasonality
    • Portable Storage
    • Organization

    4 Problems a Portable Storage Unit Can Solve for a School ​

    When we think of portable storage units, we typically associate them with moving. However, among the more innovative alternative uses for portable storage containers is their use in schools. You can solve your school’s moving, storage, and need for additional space with one versatile solution. Easy to relocate, affordable, and secure, these containers have become a useful resource for elementary schools, high schools, and colleges. Here are just a few of the problems a portable storage unit can solve for a school. ​
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