
How to Store Lawn Equipment

by Dusty Rhodes on Sep 11, 2020  in 
  • Storage
  • Portable Storage
  • Seasonality
  • Organization
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Fall is officially around the corner and that means it’s time to put away the summer lawn equipment and break out the leaf blower and rake. However, before you just pile all of your lawn equipment into the back of your garage, it’s important to make sure you have taken the proper measures to ensure your equipment is safe from the outdoor elements. While neatly storing these items away is a great first step, there are a few techniques that should be followed to ensure your equipment will be functioning properly next year.

Preparing Your Lawn Equipment for Storage

Proper care and maintenance is necessary in order to maintain the life-expectancy and performance of your equipment. This additional maintenance in the fall will ensure your equipment is ready when spring arrives.


Service All of Your Equipment

Before storing any lawn equipment, it is important to clean and service it either by yourself or at a small engine repair facility. This includes servicing the air filter, checking for minor repairs, and changing the oil. Lawn mowers, trimmers, weed eaters, and blowers can be expensive to replace and servicing them once a year can help you keep them in good condition.

How to Properly Store a Lawn Mower

Your lawn mower is perhaps the most expensive and most used piece of lawn equipment. Therefore, you want to take the necessary steps to prevent damage. Here are a few basic steps you should take to prepare your lawn mower for winter storage.


Empty the Gas Tank

Emptying the gas tank will prevent gunk from building up and clogging the carburetor. Failing to empty the gas tank is the most common cause for a lawn mower not to start. Do be sure to dispose of gas and oil safely. Prior to storage, add fuel stabilizer to the gas tank and then run the mower to distribute the stabilizer. Once all the gas is removed, run the mower until it turns off, as this will ensure the gas lines are empty.

Change the Oil

You will need to change the oil if you are operating a 4-cycle engine and mix oil and gas together for a 2-cycle engine. Changing the oil will extend the life of the engine.

Remove the Mower Blades

Before placing the mower in storage, carefully remove the blades and set them aside.

Clean the Mower and Attachments

Now that the blades have been removed, clean and remove all dirt, grass, and debris from the mower and the blades with soapy water. Allow the mower and the parts to dry completely before wrapping the blades in bubble wrap to protect them. To prevent rust on the mower, you should also clean out the undercarriage and scrape off any mud or residue that is stuck under the mower deck.

Disconnect the Battery and Spark Plug

You can prevent corrosion by disconnecting the battery. This is also a good time to check the spark plug, remove it, and place it in a box for safekeeping.

Store it In a Cool, Dry Place

You can avoid moisture damage by storing your lawn mower in a cool, dry place like a shed, garage, or storage unit. You want to be sure it is away from rain, snow, and other outdoor elements.

How to Properly Store Other Small Lawn Equipment

In addition to your lawn mower, you will also need to prep other small engine equipment such as a weed eater, blower, chainsaw, gas trimmers, and an edger. Here are a few steps you should take to ensure these items are properly stored.


Remove Fuel and Oil

You should drain and remove the fuel and oil in any small engine equipment prior to storage. Be sure to idle the equipment for a few minutes to ensure all the gas is completely gone.

Clean the Equipment

Wipe down all equipment and remove any grass, dirt, mud, or debris with a rag and soapy water.


Once your equipment is cleaned, it is a good idea to lubricate chains, gears, and bearings. This will ensure your equipment is ready to go come spring.

Store in a Dry Place

All of your small equipment should be stored in a dry location such as a shed, garage, or storage unit to ensure your equipment is safe from outside moisture.

Other Storage Tips

It is important to cover the floor of your garage or storage unit with a tarp before placing your lawn mower for storage. This can help to prevent any damage to your flooring. Weed eaters, chainsaws, and other small equipment should be stored on a shelf or secured off the floor on a hook for extra protection. Always review the operator’s manual for each piece of equipment to check for any additional winterizing requirements.


Taking the extra time at the end of each season to properly store your lawn equipment will help to extend the life of the equipment and also ensure everything is in working order next year.

Dusty Rhodes