
Helpful Ideas for Making Friends in Your New Neighborhood

by Dusty Rhodes on Nov 29, 2023  in 
  • affordable moving
  • Moving
  • Moving with Kids
new kids on the blox


Moving to a new home can be both exciting and stressful at the same time. While it can be fun to have the amenities of a new home, unpacking, starting a new school with kids, and trying to deal with home projects can be a bit overwhelming. There’s so many different components to deal with- including meeting and becoming friends with your new neighbors. Having friends in the neighborhood is one of the best ways to make your new house feel like home. That said, introducing yourself and making new friends can be a challenge for introverts and homebodies. It’s not always easy to put yourself out there. Luckily, there are a few great tips for making a good first impression and building the foundation for new friendships.

1. Smile and Say Hello

One of the easiest ways to get to know your neighbors is by simply being friendly when you walk outside. Whether you’re grabbing the mail, walking to your car, or doing work in the yard, a friendly “hello” can go a long way. A smile and wave invites people to approach you and strike up a conversation.

2. Go For Walks

Get outside and take walks around the neighborhood to learn more about your new community and the people who live there. Taking a walk is an easy way to open yourself up to meeting people and discovering communal spots in the area. This can be even more productive if you are walking with a dog. You could run into other people who are walking dogs as well and this common interest is an excellent way to break the ice.

3. Lend Neighbors a Hand

Random acts of kindness are a great way to build lasting friendships. When you offer to help lift that heavy box or lend a yard tool, you are establishing yourself as a friendly neighbor. This is a great way to meet neighbors while also building a respectful relationship.

4. Host a Housewarming Party

Parties are one of the best ways to expand your social circle. Your housewarming party can be as casual as hosting a backyard barbecue or a little more formal with an indoor gathering. You can invite your neighbors to stop by so you can get to know them a little better. Don’t feel like you have to invite the whole neighborhood. Small gatherings allow more opportunities for for in-depth conversations.

5.  Join Neighborhood Groups

Many neighborhoods are part of associations that host annual events and monthly meetings to discuss neighborhood happenings. Many neighborhoods even have social media groups that announce social events and gatherings. Joining these groups can be a great way to connect with others in your neighborhood.

6. Go to Local Parks or Communal Spots

Many neighborhoods have parks, playgrounds, community pools, or common areas where people can hang out. Spend some time at these communal spots and strike up a conversation with someone you meet there. Look for people engaging in activities that you are interested in such as playing baseball, walking their dog, swimming, or playing tennis and use this common interest as a conversation starter. You can then exchange numbers and plan to meet again at this common area.

7. Volunteer in the Community

Find a local organization or a cause that you support and sign up to volunteer. This is a great way to meet other people who not only live in your community but also share your passion.

8. Play Outside with Your Kids

Kids are an excellent way to meet people. If you spend time outside playing, it’s likely that neighbors who also have kids will notice. This is a great opportunity to introduce yourself and your family and allow the kids to play. Not only will it be great for your kids to have new friends to play with, but it will also allow you to meet and establish relationships with other parents in the neighborhood.



Dusty Rhodes