
7 Essential Steps to Take When Downsizing Your Home

by Dusty Rhodes on Apr 05, 2023  in 
  • Moving
  • affordable moving
  • Downsizing
tiny home


At some point in their lives, most people decide to downsize their home. Perhaps their kids have moved out, they are going through a divorce, they want to retire in something smaller, or they are looking to save some money. No matter the reason, downsizing can feel overwhelming, as you may be left wondering what to do with all your extra belongings. Regardless of your situation, it is normal to feel stressed about downsizing to a new home. Luckily, we have some helpful tips to guide you through the process. Here is a step-by-step guide to decluttering, paring down, and downsizing your home.

1. Start Well in Advance

Give yourself plenty of time for this process, as it will inevitably take longer than you expect. Not only is it physically exhausting to go through every item in your home, but it can take time to sell, donate, or pack your belongings. Ideally, give yourself at least a month or two so you don’t feel rushed and can take your time to make good decisions.

2. Declutter and Get Rid of Unwanted Items

There will be plenty of decisions to be made regarding belongings you might actually want to keep, so don’t make the process more difficult by holding onto items you don’t want or need. Downsizing becomes way more manageable when you eliminate all of the clutter and get rid of unwanted items. The best way to do this is by creating four piles:
Giveaways: These are things you plan to give to family or friends.

Donations: These include items you wish to donate to a local charity or donation center.

Sale Items: These would be any items you would like to sell.

Trash: Some things are either broken, damaged, or simply not worth donating.

3. Eliminate Rooms You Won’t Have in Your New House

Now that you have decluttered your home, it is time to think about remaining items that might not be useful in your new home. For example, you may not have a home office in your new home so you can sell your current office furniture. Perhaps you have exercise equipment, media equipment, or recreational items like a pool table, that will no longer be needed in the new home. Pick out the items you can sell from this list and the rest can be donated.

4. Get Rid of Duplicates

As you go through your home you will undoubtedly find plenty of duplicate items. In your kitchen, for example, you likely have multiple spatulas, extra plates, additional drinking glasses, etc. You may even have more than one broom, vacuum, yard tools, or other items. Reduce the clutter and save space by getting rid of any duplicate items.

5. Assess Your Furniture

You want to think about what furniture you plan to use in your new home.So, jot down each room in your new home and what furniture you plan to bring. Keep in mind that your new home is smaller, so you will want to measure your existing furniture to make sure it will fit. Any excess furniture or furniture that is too big can be sold or donated.

6. Separate Essentials and Sentimentals

When you downsize, you will mainly be focused on those items that you need. Therefore, make a list of essential items that you absolutely must have in your new home. You will likely have several other items that qualify as sentimental items. This could include family photos, heirloom pieces, or special gifts you have received over the years. While these are not necessary for everyday life, they are still important to you. So, go through your sentimental items and decide which ones are important enough to keep.

7. Consider Storage Options

Once you have decided which items will be coming to your new home, think about storage options for the remaining items. Chances are you won’t have a lot of extra closet or storage space, so a portable storage unit might be a great option for your other belongings. Storage units are perfect for seasonal items, holiday decor, sentimental items, recreational equipment, and anything else you might want, but don’t need on a daily basis.

Dusty Rhodes