
7 Areas to Immediately Clean After Moving Into a New House

by Dusty Rhodes on Nov 29, 2022  in 
  • Moving
  • Home Inspection
  • affordable moving
clean up


Moving into a new home is exciting. You have a completely bare space and a blank canvas to make all your own. However, before arranging furniture and hanging pictures, you want to take the time to give your new home a deep clean. Whether you are moving into a new apartment or a spacious house, pre-move-in cleaning is a necessity. No matter how well the person before you tried to clean the space, they will inevitably have left behind some dirt, dust, and grime that you want to get rid of before settling in. Cleaning your new home before moving your belongings is ideal, so you won’t have to worry about maneuvering around furniture and boxes. Here are some of the most important areas to immediately clean before moving into your new home.

1. Kitchen Area

Though the kitchen may look gleaming and sparkly, chances are there is some gunk and build up when you look a bit closer. Kitchens tend to be among the dirtiest places in a home because of cooking, food spills, and high traffic. Start by giving your kitchen backsplash a good wipe down and even scrub residue out of the grout lines with a toothbrush. Be sure to pay special attention to the area behind the stove, as this is where grease and food may have splattered. You also want to take extra time to really clean your stovetop, as this is also where grease is likely to build up. Don’t forget about your kitchen drawers and cabinets. Cabinets can have crumbs or other residue that needs to be cleaned before putting away your dishes. If the refrigerator is staying, you will also want to give it a thorough cleaning before putting any food away. Finally, look under the stove and inside the oven for any other areas that might need attention.

2. Bathrooms

Your bathrooms will need to be cleaned and sanitized before moving in. Even if it looks clean already, you should wipe and clean the toilet, sink, floor, shower, bathtub, and medicine cabinet. You may even consider purchasing a new toilet seat for sanitary purposes. When cleaning the shower, be sure to clean or change the shower head as well and make sure shower or tub is draining properly.

3. Windows and Blinds

The previous owner may have done a quick wipe down, but it’s unlikely that they really deep cleaned your windows and blinds. For your blinds, use a damp rag and soapy water and clean slat by slat. You will then want to clean your windows both inside and out to ensure they are sparkling clean and free of dirt and dust.

4. Carpet and Floors

Carpet may look fine on the surface, but vacuuming isn’t enough to really get it clean. If the carpet is in good shape, you should invest in having it professionally cleaned. Otherwise, you may want to consider replacing it altogether. As for hardwood, linoleum, or tile floors, you will want to mop and clean them using only cleaning solutions that are safe for the specific type of flooring. Be sure to clean all flooring in the home, including inside closets and under appliances.

5. Baseboards

Baseboards are one of the most neglected areas in the home, yet they can make such a difference. They are notorious for collecting dust, dirt, and grime, yet they can be difficult to clean because they require you to get on your hands and knees. Nonetheless, now is the perfect time to get your baseboards clean as a whistle.

6. Ceiling Fans and Light Fixtures

It comes as no surprise that ceiling fans accumulate lots of dust and dirt. However, this isn’t always easy to see, especially in homes with higher ceilings. When you first move into a home, go through each room and clean the ceiling fans and light fixtures. You can use a stepladder and a special dusting tool to help you reach higher fans and chandeliers. Cleaning your light fixtures and fans will ensure you aren’t breathing in the dust and dirt left behind by the previous owner.

7. Air Filters

Who wants to breathe in musty, dirty air? Moving into a new home is the perfect time to change the air filter. Air filters should ideally be changed every 3-6 months, but there’s a good chance you won’t know exactly when the previous owner last changed the filter. Besides, your home will also be filled with dirt, dust, and chemicals from cleaning and moving, so it’s best to start with a fresh air filter.

Dusty Rhodes