
Title: 6 Proven Ways to Minimize Stress When You Move

by Dusty Rhodes on May 21, 2021  in 
  • Moving Myths
  • Moving
  • affordable moving


The process of moving from one home to another is considered one of the most stressful events a person will experience. In addition to all of the planning, organizing, and work that needs to be done, there are a number of emotions associated with moving as well. On one hand it can feel exciting to begin a new journey while on the other hand there may be feelings of sadness at leaving your old home. Between the lengthy checklist of tasks and the emotions surrounding such a big change, it’s no wonder moving can be such a stressful experience.


The good news is that there are plenty of ways to minimize stress so your move can actually be a positive and rewarding experience. Consider the following tips for alleviating some of the stress associated with a move.


1. Give Yourself as Much Time as Possible

One of the main reasons moving can be so stressful is that people often feel rushed to complete everything on time. The less time you have to get everything done, the more stress you will experience. It’s never fun to work around the clock for days on end trying to get things done so to reduce this additional stress, start preparing for your move as soon as possible. This means packing weeks ahead of time and making plans and arrangements for moving day well in advance.

2. Set a Budget and Stick to It

Another reason moves can be stressful is the fact that they are expensive. Many people underestimate the cost of moving and end up completely stressed because of money. This is a legitimate concern, but with the right planning and preparation, you can save money and stress by creating a budget. Factor in the cost of things like hiring movers, renting a storage unit, and purchasing packing supplies. If money is tight, be creative and consider ways to save money such as moving yourself, borrowing boxes from friends, or coming up with creative ways to pack your belongings.

3. Keep a Moving Binder

It can feel overwhelming to have so many different things to keep up with but a moving binder can help you stay organized by keeping everything in one place. You can easily keep track of things such as important papers and documents, moving contracts, moving dates and details, receipts, loan information, permits, your moving budget, and contact information for real estate agents and other contractors.

4. Declutter

Getting rid of clutter is a great way to alleviate stress. Not only does it mean less to pack, but it will make you feel good to reduce your belongings. It will also ensure that when you are packing, you are only packing the items that you actually need. There’s nothing more exhausting and frustrating than having to deal with clutter after a move.

5. Ask for Help

Moving is a huge task and it’s not easy to do alone. Though it may not always be easy to ask for help, this is one time when it’s extremely important. You should keep in mind that just about everyone has moved at least once in their life so they understand how monumental the task is and how hard it can be. Ask friends and family if they can spare a few hours to help you pack. It could actually turn out to be a great way to spend a little extra time together.

6. Make it Fun

There’s no doubt that moving is a lot of work, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a little fun along the way. Especially if you are moving with kids, look for ways to make packing a game. For example, you could allow kids to decorate their moving boxes or hide little prizes in their boxes for when they unpack. You can also turn up the music while you’re packing and take dance breaks throughout the day. Make things easier on yourself by ordering in food and having a picnic on the floor. It’s these little things that will make the move less stressful, and also create special memories along the way.

Dusty Rhodes