
Home Renovation Checklist: Organize Your Home Renovation

by Dusty Rhodes on May 19, 2021  in 
  • Home Storage
  • Renovating
  • Organization


Home renovations take months of planning and preparation and there are many steps along the way. If you fail to follow each step, you could end up missing something that could drastically impact the outcome of your renovation. This could lead to a significant delay or even additional repairs after the renovation is over. For this reason, it is important to have a home renovation checklist.


No matter how big or small your project is, a checklist can help you organize your project from start to finish. When you are investing in something as expensive as a home renovation, you want to be sure you know exactly what to expect along the way. The following checklist will help you stay organized, on track, and on budget so your renovation is hassle-free.

1. Decide on the Scope

The first step is to decide exactly what work you would like to have done. The scope of work for some projects is quite simple and may only include one space or room while others may be much wider and involve multiple rooms. It’s important to start by thinking about your priorities. Write down the must-haves for your renovation and items which you absolutely cannot live without. This could be a kitchen renovation, a new laundry room, or possibly a master bathroom remodel. By focusing on the must-haves first, you can prioritize your renovation to ensure you accomplish your main goals. If there is money left over, you can use it to purchase additional amenities.

2. Do Your Research

Research is a very important step that should not be overlooked. Without research, you may miss something of great value. During the research process, it’s good to look through home remodeling magazines, explore design ideas online, and even visit showrooms. You may even visit model homes to get ideas for your renovation. It can also be helpful to talk with family and friends in your area who may have completed their own renovation.

3. Set a Budget

Setting a budget is crucial and this can keep you from overspending. You may start off with a flexible budget, but as you gather more information you want to try and narrow down your budget to ensure it is firm before the project actually begins. It’s very easy to get caught up in the excitement of a renovation along the way, so creating a budget and sticking to it can help you avoid financial stress.

4. Check Out Multiple Contractors

You will want to meet with several contractors before making a choice. Each contractor will offer different ideas, different approaches, and different prices. These contractors should be able to provide you with general information regarding your project as well as a quote for the scope of work. Remember to keep in mind that these quotes are simply estimates and you should always plan to spend a little more than the estimated prices. You also want to be cautious about basing your decision on price alone. You need to remember that quality is oftentimes more important than quantity and you want to make sure you choose a contractor that is reliable, trustworthy, and will do the job right. Be sure to check qualifications and references prior to signing a contract.

5. Know Your Timeline and Plan Accordingly

Depending on the complexity of your remodeling project, it could take weeks or even months to complete. It is very important that you know and understand the timeline since it will affect your everyday life. For extensive projects, you may even need to move out of your home temporarily and rent an apartment or stay with a family member. You may also need to move several items out of your home during the remodeling process which could require renting a storage unit or portable storage container. You also want to consider which areas of your home will not be accessible so you can plan accordingly. For example, if you are remodeling your kitchen, you may need to set up a temporary kitchen somewhere else in your home.


You should also consider how the remodel might affect children and pets. It may require you to make additional arrangements during this time. Finally, be cognizant of how much noise there will be as this could be disruptive if you work from home or have small children in the home during the day. If at any time you are concerned about the timeline of your project, be sure and speak to your contractor about it.






Dusty Rhodes