

How to Store Baby Clothes for Future Use

by Dusty Rhodes on Feb 26, 2021  in 
  • Portable Storage
  • Organization
  • Home Storage
how to store baby clothes

 Have a lot of outgrown baby clothes but don’t want to get rid of them? Here’s how toproperly store them in a storage container to save them for future use.It’s amazing how something as small as a little baby ends up with piles of clothing.

The fact is, babies grow so quickly and it’s easy to get behind on organizing and storing all of those clothes as your baby outgrows them. However, it’s nice to preserve all of your baby clothes for future use.

Packing away and storing all of those outgrown clothes can really come in handy for future siblings, and it can also be nice to pass them down to friends and family.


While it may seem like a daunting task, there are plenty of easy ways to neatly organize and store those outgrown baby clothes. Learn how to store baby clothes the easy way with the following simple steps.

Step 1: Clean and Launder Clothing

Before you begin packing anything, you want to make sure all of your baby clothing is clean and stain free. Wash each item and inspect for stains.

If you discover stains, treat them immediately, as they become much more difficult to remove the longer they remain on the fabric. Also, take time to launder any delicate items to ensure they are clean before packing. Be sure everything is completely dry before packing it.

Step 2: Sort by Size

The first step in organizing your baby clothes is to sort them by size. As you do this, be mindful of clothing that might be mislabeled. For example, some clothing might be marked 9 mo when it actually runs much smaller and belongs with the 6 mo clothing. Create piles for each size.

Step 3: Gather Storage Materials

The best way to store baby clothes is with plastic bins that have lids. These bins are easy to label and stack and they keep moisture, dirt, and pests from getting inside.

You should also place your baby clothes in a plastic bag before storing them in the bins for added protection. Vacuum bags are a great choice because they help to conserve space but extra-large Ziploc bags also work well and they are a cheaper alternative.

Step 4: Bag, Label, and Pack

Once you have gathered your plastic bins and storage bags, it’s time to begin packing your clothing. Pack each pile of clothing into its own individual bad and label the size, sex, and appropriate season.

Any specialty items such as coats, hats, gloves, and swimwear, should be packed and labeled separately so you can easily find specific items. Finally, pack your labeled bags into plastic bins and label each bin on the outside.

Step 5: Store in a Dry, Cool Place

Choose a cool, dry space to store your baby clothing. You want to avoid extreme temperature areas such as attics, basements, and garages, as this can cause discoloration and damage to your clothing.

The ideal spot is an interior space in your home such as a closet or under your bed. If you don’t have space in your home, you can also store your baby clothes in a climate-controlled storage unit.


Dusty Rhodes