
The Best Way to Store Furniture for Preventing Damage

by Dusty Rhodes on Nov 24, 2020  in 
  • Organization
  • Portable Storage
  • Home Storage
how to store furniture

Do you need to store a couch, bed, table, dresser, desk, or some other type of furniture?

Perhaps you need to clear out space in your home but you aren’t quite ready to part with that extra furniture for good.Whether you are moving to a new home or just trying to reduce the amount of clutter in your home, furniture can take up a great deal of space.

If you are planning to put your furniture in storage, you want to take the right steps to ensure your furniture remains in good condition for future use.

Decide on a Storage Location

If you are planning to store your furniture for a lengthy period of time, it is important to keep it stored in a climate controlled environment. This will ensure that your furniture stays safe from humidity, fluctuations in temperature, and moisture.


If at all possible, you want to avoid storing furniture in a space where it might be exposed to these conditions such as an attic, garage, or outdoor shed.


For best results, furniture should be stored either in a spare room, climate controlled basement, or climate controlled storage unit.

Clean Your Furniture Before Storing It

You should never place dirty furniture in storage. Not only can this lead to unpleasant odors that might attract pests, but it can also cause the furniture to mild, rust, or mildew over time.


Consider the following tips for cleaning your furniture.


●Wooden and plastic furniture- Wipe it down with a damp cloth using mild soap and water. For wooden furniture, you can use a wood cleaner such as Murphy Oil Soap to protect the finish.

●Fabric and upholstery- Clean fabric items such as couches and seat cushions with upholstery cleaner. Be sure it is completely dry before placing it in storage.

●Metal- Polish metal with a soft cloth and metal cleaner. This can remove oxidation and prevent the furniture from tarnishing.

Disassemble the Furniture

It is recommended to disassemble furniture prior to moving it. This includes things like chair legs, desks, tables, bookshelves and any other furniture that can be taken apart. This will  prevent it from becoming damaged or scratched during the moving process. It will also make it easier to pack and store by reducing the amount of space it will take up.


Be sure and put any screw, bolts, or allen wrenches in a small baggie taped to the furniture.

Wrap the Furniture

If you are planning on storing your furniture for months or even longer, you want to take the time to wrap the furniture. This helps to protect your furniture from scratches, dust, and dirt and it also helps to prevent any moisture from seeping into the furniture. You can use old sheets, blankets, drop cloths, or plastic wrap bur avoid using thick plastic covers that could seal in moisture and create condensation. Be sure to drape the cover over your furniture loosely so it can still breathe.


Of course, special precautions will need to be taken with glass tabletops and mirrors. Be sure and wrap them first with packing paper and then cover the packing paper with bubble wrap. Do not put tape directly on the glass, as this can leave a sticky residue on the glass. After it is wrapped, place the glass item in a box for added protection.

Raise it Off the Floor

If you are storing your furniture without climate-control, it is important to place it on a palate raised off the ground. This adds an extra layer of protection should your floor become wet or dirty.


If you are unable to raise your furniture off the ground, drape a cloth or tarp on the floor as a barricade from moisture and extreme temperatures.

Pack Items Carefully

It is important to store furniture carefully without cramming items and stacking them on top of each other.


Start by turning all large items such as sofas, mattresses, and cabinets vertically. This is a much more efficient way to pack furniture without taking up too much space. It also leaves room for more oddly-shaped pieces.


Painting and mirrors should also be stored vertically so they don’t get broken. If you must place items on top of each other, be sure and store the heaviest items on the bottom and the lightest on top.


Again, all items should be carefully wrapped to prevent scratches and damage.




Dusty Rhodes