
A Guide on How to Move out of Your Parents’ House

by Dusty Rhodes on Nov 20, 2020  in 
  • SMARTBOX Moving Tips
  • Moving
  • affordable moving
move out of your parents home

Moving out of your parents’ house can be an exciting step into adulthood but it can also be a little scary. Stepping out on your own and learning to navigate the world of working, bills, and adult responsibilities can seem a bit overwhelming. It is a process that requires plenty of thought and careful planning and one of the hardest parts is gaining the confidence to know you can make it on your own.


In order to prepare yourself for this exciting transition, consider this helpful guide for stepping out and fostering your independence.

When Should You Move Out?

Since each person’s situation is different, there is no exact answer to this question. However, there are a few important factors that can determine whether or not you are ready to move out. Here are some indicators that it’s time to move out and move on:

  • ●You have a steady job that is supplying a steady income.
  • ●You are physically and financially capable of living on your own.
  • ●You don’t want to adhere to your parent’s rules anymore (you want to go out, bring someone home, stay up late, etc.)
  • ●Your parents have started dropping hints that they are ready for you to move out.


Can You Afford to Move Out?

This is the most important factor in determining your ability to successfully live on your own. Even if you are emotionally ready to move out, without financial stability, that wouldn’t be possible. Here are a few things to do to ensure you are financially capable of supporting yourself.

  • Create a Budget- You need to know exactly how much money you bring home as opposed to how much you spend. Make a list of all your current expenses as well as how much you are saving each month. Next, figure out the cost of rent as well as other potential living expenses (utilities, insurance, groceries, maintenance, entertainment, etc.) You need to be sure you make enough money to cover all of these expenses. The last thing you want is to be calling up your parents for money or conjuring up debt on credit cards.
  • Look for a place within your budget- You need to have an idea of what an apartment, house, or townhome will cost you. Shop around and get a feel for what is in your budget.
  • Start Saving- As soon as you have decided that you want to move out, you need to start saving. Give yourself at least a few months to save some extra money. You are going to need some extra money to get started in order to buy a few things for your new place like furniture, cookware, and other houseware items. If you are planning to buy a home, you will also need money for a down payment.

How to Go About Moving Out

Once you have determined that you can afford to live on your own, here is a step-by-step guide to moving out of your parents’ house.


1. Tell Your Parents

Not all parents are eagerly awaiting the day their kids will move out. It is a very emotional time for many parents when their children go out into the world on their own. Therefore, tell them in advance. Give them some time to emotionally prepare and allow them to help you make the right decisions about where to live. After all, they have been handling their own finances for quite some time so they can offer some sound advice for you.


2. Set a Budget

Calculate how much you will need for monthly essentials like rent, utilities, car payment, insurance, cell phone, groceries, medical expenses, and transportation. You also want to factor in how much you spend on non-essentials like entertainment and clothing. Be honest about your spending habits and create a realistic budget. You want to make sure that you still have some money left over after all your expenses are paid. Otherwise, you won't have any money for an unexpected expense or emergency. You never know when you will have car trouble or your washer goes out so you always want to have some extra money for unforeseen expenses. Ideally, you should have at least 3 months of living expenses in savings in the event that you lose your job or are rendered unable to work.


3. Look for a Place to Live

Decide whether or not you plan to rent or purchase a home. Since everyone’s financial situation is different, this will depend on the person’s unique circumstances. Once you have decided which is right for you, begin shopping around for your new place. If you are planning to buy a home, this is the time to enlist the help of a realtor.


4. Pack Your Belongings

You will need to start packing well in advance. Begin by donating things you no longer need and get rid of any unwanted items before you move out. It might be beneficial to rent a portable storage unit where you can pack and store your belongings until you are ready to move out. This can also make the moving process easier, since a portable storage unit can easily be transported to your new home.


5. Choose a Mover

You will need to figure out whether you are going to hire movers or enlist the help of a few friends. Since you likely don’t have an entire home to move, you might be able to get away with moving yourself. However, a portable storage and moving company such as Smartbox can.

Dusty Rhodes