
Moving Elderly Parents Out of Their Home

by Dusty Rhodes on Oct 21, 2020  in 
  • Downsizing
  • affordable moving
  • Portable Storage

For many people the time will come when they are faced with the difficult task of moving their aging parents out of their home and into a retirement community. This can be both a physically and psychologically exhausting process for everyone involved. Elderly parents might not exactly welcome this change in their lives. They might be sad about leaving a home filled with memories and they might feel as if they have lost a sense of independence. If you have found yourself in this situation, the good news is that there are some great ways to get elderly parents excited about this new chapter in their lives while successfully transitioning them to a new home. The following tips can help guide you through each stage of this moving process.

Allow Plenty of Time for the Transition

Older people don’t always accept change well, so the more time you allocate for the transition, the better. It’s best to start the process months in advance and begin talking with your parents about this change in their lives. Be positive and help them see this transition as an exciting new journey that is going to be beneficial. Allocate plenty of time for your parents to emotionally prepare for this change.


Another benefit of starting in advance is the fact that it will give you a head start on the moving process. Older people have often accumulated a number of items over the years, many of which will no longer be needed in a retirement community. Begin the decluttering process months in advance and utilize this time to clean out, throw out, sell, or donate unnecessary items.

Rent a Storage Unit

Perhaps your parents aren’t ready to part with certain items or you aren’t sure exactly which items they might need in their new home. You can rent a storage unit to hold their belongings for future use. Storage facilities are a secure, convenient, and easy-to-access option for those who need a temporary place to store things during the moving process.

Decide on a New Place Together

Just because your parents are aging doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have a say in where they live. Moving can be emotionally challenging for elderly parents so it’s important to consider and respect their opinions whenever possible. If your parents are capable of decision making, patiently listen to them and consider their feelings. Schedule a tour of their new home prior to moving. This will help them learn about where they will be going and emotionally prepare themselves for the transition.


Create a Moving Schedule

In order to ensure a more organized move, create a schedule and timeline for the entire process. Be sure and allow plenty of time for each step in the move, as it typically takes longer to move eldery adults. Creating a clear plan will help the move progress smoothly and reduce everyone’s stress. This will also help to eliminate any surprises for your parents.

Dedicate Plenty of Time to Packing

Packing for your parents is quite different than packing for yourself because you are more familiar with your own things. As you pack, be sure to pack like items together and clearly label the contents of each box. This will make it much easier for you and your parents to find what they need in their new home. In some cases, it might even be advisable to hire a professional packing crew. This can help alleviate some of the stress and save time.

Prep the New Home

Once you have successfully packed and moved everything out of your parents’ old home, it’s time to prep their new home to accommodate their needs. You might need to do things like install an eclectic chair lift, plug in night lights, install safety railings, and place a ramp outside the door. You will also need to help unpack and organize their belongings in the new home. You want things to be easy to reach and easy to find.


Dusty Rhodes