
Moving a Piano ​

by Dusty Rhodes on Oct 07, 2020  in 
  • SMARTBOX Moving Tips
  • Moving
  • affordable moving
piano key


A piano is more than just a musical instrument. It is a piece of furniture, a work of art, and in some cases even a family heirloom. They are also extremely heavy and require some serious strength and meticulous attention in order to move them. The process of moving a piano is not the same as moving a sofa, a refrigerator, or any other large piece of furniture. In addition to being heavy, pianos are fragile instruments that contain hundreds of tiny parts. Beneath the wood frame, there are finely-tuned felt covered hammers, strings, keys, pedals, and a number of other complex mechanisms. As a result, pianos can easily be damaged when they are moved. In order to minimize the risk of damage to the piano and injury to the movers, consider these tips for how to move a piano safely.

Gather Supplies and Materials

Given that a piano is such a fragile and valuable piece of furniture, it requires adequate supplies to move it safely. Whether you have an upright piano or grand piano, you will need to gather plenty of moving blankets for protection. You want to take precautions to ensure the piano is not dented or scratched during the moving process. In addition to moving blankets, you will need plenty of tape to secure the blankets in place. If you are moving an upright piano, you will need a dolly to support the piano’s weight. If you are moving a grand piano, it is recommended that you find an appropriate sized skid board rather than a dolly. A skid board will also require straps and a screwdriver to secure it in place. Finally, you need to gather at least four or more people to assist you with moving the piano. Make sure everyone is wearing appropriate clothing and tennis shoes with good traction.

Plan the Process

Prior to moving the piano, you want to take the necessary steps to plan the entire moving process. Start by measuring the dimensions of the piano. Next, you want to measure all doorways, hallways, and staircases that your piano will have to pass through. This will help you determine how the piano needs to be maneuvered in order to reach its final destination. This is also a good time to make sure any furniture, pictures, or other decorative items that the piano could hit are out of the way. It is also recommended to cover any sharp edges along walls and doorways with towels or blankets to prevent possible knicks and scratches. You also want to make sure each person knows their job, and designate someone to be on the lookout for safe guidance and obstacles.

Wrap the Piano

It is important to properly wrap the piano prior to moving it. Start by closing the keyboard lid and securing it in place in order to protect the fragile keys. If the keyboard does not lock shut, secure it using stretch wrap. Next, completely wrap the piano with padding and blankets. Make sure the blankets are thick enough to protect the piano from any bumps that could occur. You also want to secure the blankets in place using tape or straps. However, be careful not to let the tape come into contact with the piano’s surface, as this could cause damage.

(If Moving a Grand Piano)

Before moving a grand piano, it is especially important to secure the top lid. If possible, you also want to disassemble the legs and pedals using a screwdriver. Once this is complete, you are ready to wrap the piano.

Lifting the Piano

If you are moving an upright piano, you and your team will want to safely lift the piano onto a dolly. Make sure that no one lifts the piano by the legs, as these are fragile and vulnerable to damage. When lifting the piano, be sure and have someone on all sides of the piano. As they prepare to lift the piano, each person should bend at the knees to avoid back injury. Together, lift the piano onto the dolly keeping it upright at all times and secure it onto the dolly.


If you are moving a grand piano, you want to make sure there is a person on each side of the piano as you safely lift it onto the skid board. Secure the piano to the skid board using straps.

Securing it in a Truck

Your piano should be placed in the back of the moving truck against the wall. It is also recommended to use wood planks to ensure the floor of the moving truck is level. This helps to keep the piano stabilized during transport. Once inside the truck, secure the piano to the truck wall using moving straps. This will prevent the piano from rolling around or tipping while the truck is moving.

Follow Your Plan for Moving In

Once you arrive at your new home, follow your plan for moving the piano. All doors should be wide open and obstacles should be moved out of the way. Carefully guide the piano into place. Once the piano has been successfully moved, you will want to schedule an appointment to have it tuned. The inner workings of a piano are very sensitive to movement and bumps so a professional tuner can get it back to sounding perfect.


Dusty Rhodes