
7 Mistakes to Avoid When Packing for a College Dorm Room

by Dusty Rhodes on Aug 05, 2020  in 
  • college moves
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For college students across the country, school is only a few weeks away and that means it’s time to begin preparing to move to campus. This can be such an exciting time for college freshmen, eager to experience life in the dorm. However, many of these inexperienced dorm residents make several mistakes when packing for their new home away from home. Moving into a tiny space that will be shared with another person requires a certain degree of ingenuity and there is no room for mistakes...literally! Here are 7 common mistakes to avoid when packing for a college dorm room so you can make the most of your small space.


Mistake #1: Not Making a List

If you fail to make a list of what items you plan to bring to college, there’s a good chance you will end up with way more than you need. Unfortunately, dorm rooms aren’t exactly known for being overly spacious so you won’t have space for unnecessary items. Furthermore, if you don’t make a list of what to pack, there’s a good chance you will be forgetting something important. 


Mistake #2: Not Identifying Essential and Non-essential Items

When it comes to packing for a college dorm, efficiency is key so you need to sit down and think about what items you actually need. For instance, a microwave is definitely an essential item but that instant pot, steamer, espresso machine, and blender are not exactly on the essentials list. It can be difficult for students who are accustomed to the luxuries of life at home to scale down their college list, but it’s a huge mistake to pack too many unnecessary items.


Mistake #3: Not Labeling Boxes

College students might be in a hurry to get their belongings packed but if they aimlessly toss items into boxes without properly labeling them, they won’t be able to keep up with what they pack. They will end up over packing because they won’t be able to see exactly what is packed and they will spend too much time looking for lost items.


Mistake #4: Packing Out of Season Clothing

Most students plan to head home at some point before the colder weather sets in and this means there is no reason to pack cold weather clothing like boots, coats, and sweaters. Closet space is limited so it is advisable to swap out seasonal clothing at a later time.


Mistake #5: Not Packing the Necessary Items

While many college students make the mistake of packing too much, others end up packing too little. There are certain items that are necessary for the dorm including toiletries, towels, cleaning supplies, and small appliances. Many freshmen get wrapped up packing decor, electronics, and leisure items and forget about those must-have items.


Mistake #6: Forgetting About Storage

In addition to all of their clothing, toiletries, and appliances, college students are going to need creative storage solutions to make the most of their small space. Don’t forget to pack items like storage bins, baskets, over the door hangers, and rolling carts to keep all of your belongings neatly organized.


Mistake #7: Packing Prohibited Items

Just about every college dorm will have specific rules about items that are prohibited. Unfortunately, items such as toasters, candles, and even string lights might be on the banned list. Always check before you pack so you don’t end up bringing prohibited items.




Dusty Rhodes