
8 Easy Tips for Getting to Know Your Neighbors ​

by Dusty Rhodes on Feb 28, 2020  in 
  • affordable moving
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HI Neighbor

There are so many things to do when you move to a new home. You have loads of boxes to unpack, walls to paint, pictures to hang, and things to organize. But, once you have had a chance to get settled in, it can be really nice to get to know your neighbors. Your home is more than just the four walls that surround you. Your home is part of a neighborhood filled with people and families. Having a friendly face to greet you on the sidewalk or a neighbor who can provide that proverbial cup of sugar when you run out can make all the difference in truly feeling settled in your home. Whether you are brand new to the neighborhood or just haven’t taken the time to introduce yourself, here are a few easy ways to get to know your neighbors (and maybe even make a few new friends!)


1. Wave From the Mailbox

This one’s pretty simple but also very effective. When you walk out to get your mail, give a friendly wave to any neighbors who might be outside. This is a simple gesture that will invite conversation with neighbors and can help break the ice.


2. Smile and Say Hello

As you take your evening stroll or go for a walk with the dog, smile and say hello to your neighbors. You’d be surprised at how a friendly hello can spark conversation. And you never could be the beginning of a new friendship.


3. Lend a Hand

People will certainly remember someone who has helped them. If you notice that one of your neighbors could use a helping hand with something, be proactive and lend your support. Perhaps you could bring in groceries for an eldery neighbor or help a neighbor by shoveling snow out of their driveway. These simple acts of kindness are a great way to establish a good relationship with your neighbors.


4. Join the Neighborhood Association

If your neighborhood has some sort of association, consider joining. Attending monthly meetings is a great way to meet other neighbors and learn about other families in the area. It also shows that you take a vested interest in the community, which is a plus.


5. Take Some Treats

There is something special about the good ol’ fashioned fresh baked cookies that can make a lasting impression on your neighbors. Consider baking some treats like cookies, brownies, or fresh bread and delivering them to your neighbors with a note introducing yourself. It’s an easy and sure fire way to make some fast friends!


6. Play Outside with Your Kids

Get out in the front yard and play ball or tag with the kiddos. Neighbors love to see families enjoying time together outside and you might even attract the attention of other families with similar aged children. Who knows… this could lead to future play dates in the near future.


7. Host a Welcome Party

If you are the type that enjoys entertaining, what better way to get to know your neighbors then inviting them for appetizers and drinks? Put invitations in your neighbors’ mailboxes and invite them to drop in to say hello and meet your family. You may not get everyone to attend, but you are likely to meet a few friendly acquaintances and your neighbors will appreciate the thoughtful gesture.


8. Organize a Block Party

  Encourage all of your neighbors to get out for an afternoon of fun and socializing by organizing a block party. Encourage each person to bring a potluck dish and keep it low-key with simple snacks and refreshments. This is a fabulous way to get to learn more about the people who live around you in a cozy and comfortable setting.




Dusty Rhodes