
A Guide for Decluttering Your House Before a Move

by Dusty Rhodes on Aug 21, 2019  in 
  • Packing Tips
  • Organization
  • Cleaning
  • Downsizing
  • Moving
  • affordable moving
organzing tips

You have decided to move and you may have even found the perfect house so you are feeling excited and enthusiastic. Then, reality sets in that you have to actually pack up everything in your house and move it all to another place. The idea of packing up your entire home can seem daunting and completely overwhelming. This can have you second guessing your decision to move before you ever even lift a finger. Don’t let your excitement get drowned out by the task of packing. Instead, lighten the load by decluttering your house before your move. Getting rid of all of the junk and unnecessary items before you move will make the process quicker and easier. Here is a helpful guide for decluttering every space in your home so you can be prepared for moving day!


Start Small

Thinking about decluttering an entire house full of stuff can be overwhelming and that’s why it’s important to start small. Focus on small areas of the house such as your bedroom closet, the china cabinet, or the junk drawers in the office. Don’t try to do an entire room at once because this can leave you feeling defeated. Rather, set a goal to declutter a few small spaces each day and cross them off  your list as you complete them. When you tackle small spaces over a longer period of time you will feel a sense of accomplishment and you will be able to see the progress you have made. This will motivate you to keep going!


Create a Sorting System

You will need some kind of system for sorting through the items in your home. An easy solution is to use the “Three Box Method.” This method entails gathering three boxes and labeling them “Keep,” “Toss,” and “Store.” This forces you to make a decision about every item right then so you don’t end up with piles of stuff that needs to be sorted again. You can also add a “Yard Sale” box if you plan on having a yard sale before your move. In any case, the idea is to get rid of any items that you won’t be taking to your new home.


Have a Storage Solution

One of the easiest ways to declutter a home is to take everything out of a space and only put back what you plan on keeping. However, it can be challenging to find a place to store everything that you move out of the space. A portable storage unit is the perfect solution for decluttering because it provides an easily accessible storage space right there onsite. You can use it to store furniture, boxes, and other items to get them out of the way. It can also be a great place to store boxes that you have already packed so they are ready for moving day. You can also use a portable storage unit as your “yard sale” storage so all of those items aren’t crammed into your garage. It’s a great way to keep your home organized throughout the decluttering process.


To Keep or Not to Keep?

Decluttering can be just as much mental as it is physical because you might feel guilty getting rid of certain items.  The good news is that you have options so you don’t have to throw everything away. You can donate items, recycle them, or have a yard sale if you’re up to the task. Here are a few tips for deciding which items to part with.

-Think about how often you use them item. Your goal is to get rid of items you use less than 20% of the time.

-Test the item to see if it works. If it’s broken and you can’t or don’t want to fix it then it’s time to get rid of it.

Dusty Rhodes