
6 Lessons to Learn from Packing a Portable Storage Unit

by Dusty Rhodes on Jul 19, 2019  in 
  • Portable Storage
  • Storage Unit
  • Storage Tips
  • Packing Tips
  • Moving
  • Personal Storage
  • Long Distance Move
  • Organization
  • Home Storage
  • affordable moving
dog in box

A portable storage unit is a great solution for moving and storing your excess belongings. However, how you pack the storage unit will determine how much of the space you actually use. In order to maximize space to get the most out of your storage unit, you will want to pack it appropriately. Here you will find a few lessons on how to efficiently and effectively pack a portable storage unit.

Use the Right Boxes

The first lesson in packing a portable storage unit is using the right boxes. You want to be sure that you are using heavy, sturdy cardboard boxes with no missing flaps or previous damage. In addition, you want to try and use boxes that are similar in size so you can stack them on top of one another more easily. This will help you to maximize the vertical storage space in your unit.

Take Special Care for Fragile Items and Furniture

Taking extra precaution with fragile items and furniture pieces will ensure everything arrives in your new place in one piece. Take time to properly wrap fragile items like glassware, ceramics, electronics, and other breakable items in bubble wrap and place them in separate boxes marked “fragile.” Take apart furniture pieces such as beds, chairs, and tables and wrap them in furniture padding. You will also want to strap down furniture in order to minimize the possibility of damage from shifting.

Create a Wall

It can be very tempting to start filling the floor space first when packing a storage unit. The problem with this method is that it won’t allow room for you to walk around the unit or stack boxes on top of the bottom layer. The best way to pack is to create an outside wall around the edges of the storage unit by stacking boxes vertically. You should pack this “wall” as closely and tightly as possible and fill in empty gaps with soft items like bedding, blankets, and towels.

Heavy on Bottom and Light on Top

When packing a storage unit, you always want to put the heavier items on the bottom and the lighter items on top. This prevents heavy items from falling over and getting damaged and it also keeps the boxes from caving in under the heavy weight. Furthermore, packing lighter boxes on top will allow for safer and easier loading and unloading.

Distribute Weight Evenly

Avoid packing all of the largest and heaviest items first. Furniture and heavy items should be distributed evenly throughout the storage unit. This will ensure minimal shifting during transport and help to minimize damage.

Keep Important Things in Front

This is one lesson that many people learn the hard way. Oftentimes, we are so busy packing the unit that we forget about those items that we might need to access first. Unfortunately, it becomes next to impossible to access items that are packed towards the back of a storage unit. Make sure you set aside any essential items like clothing, toiletries, cooking supplies, and bedding and pack these items next to the door.

Dusty Rhodes