
Pedalheads Summer Cycle

by Dusty Rhodes on May 29, 2019  in 


Summer has arrived and that means fun days in the sun and long evenings playing under the stars. Summer is the season for kids to play and bike riding is a summer staple for kids everywhere. Bike riding is more than just hours of’s great exercise and it’s a way for families to spend time together. Pedalheads understands the importance of encouraging an active and healthy lifestyle for kids and that’s why they have been hosting exciting and engaging bike camps for 24 years. Pedalheads combines expert instructors with small class ratios to teach children the fundamentals of biking. Whether you have a toddler who is just beginning to balance on a bike or an older child who is looking to build stamina and increase their biking ability, Pedalheads offers various levels so children of all ages and abilities will learn about bike safety and be challenged to meet their own personal biking goals.


This year Smartbox is proud to be working with this incredible organization by providing storage containers that will be used to store equipment and materials for the camps. At Smartbox we pride ourselves on providing storage solutions that can make camps like this one possible. Nothing is as important as the health and well-being of our kids and Smartbox is delighted to be part of this unique and exciting summer camp.

Dusty Rhodes