
5 Savvy Tips for Using a Portable Storage Container to Declutter a House

by Dusty Rhodes on May 15, 2019  in 
  • Cleaning
  • Personal Storage
  • Organization
  • Portable Storage
  • Home Storage
Declutter Your Home Decreases Stress

Think about how much time you spend in your home. When the physical space that surrounds you is filled with clutter, it impedes your ability to get things done efficiently and it can cause a tremendous amount of stress. If you consider how much time you have probably wasted looking for things and combine that with how frustrated you feel when you can’t find what you’re looking for, you probably understand why clutter can be so detrimental. If you take the time to declutter your home, you will be much more organized and you will create open space. Not only will this make your life easier, but it will also make your home more enjoyable. Decluttering is a big job, but luckily portable storage containers can make the task much easier. Here are just a few ways a portable storage container can help you declutter your home.


Sort and Purge

Most of us don’t declutter our home on a regular basis and over time we tend to acquire more and more belongings. The problem is that as we continue to acquire new things we don’t acquire more space to put them. These items end up crowding our closets, attic, garage, cabinets, and eventually our entire home. That’s why it is important to stop every now and then and go through our belongings to get rid of the items we no longer need. There is no point in taking up much needed storage space in your home for unnecessary belongings. The easiest way to sort through and purge your items is by removing everything from one room and only putting back the items you need. A portable storage container provides you with the space you need to temporarily store and sort through your belongings so you don’t feel overwhelmed with piles of junk all over your home. 


Use Portable Storage Containers for Additional Storage

Sometimes decluttering isn’t about getting rid of items as much as it is finding a place for them. If there is one thing most people don’t have enough of in their home, it’s storage. Things like lawn equipment, sports equipment, toys, and clothing can take up a great deal of space in our homes. We might not want to get rid of these items but finding a new place to store them would open up space in your home. A portable storage container is the perfect solution when you need a little additional storage. You can neatly store your belongings and place them in a secure container where they will remain until you are ready to use them. You can even store the portable container offsite at a storage facility so it is out of your way.


Use Portable Storage Containers for Seasonal Storage

Think about how much of your closet, attic, and garage space is filled with items that are seasonal. Holiday decor, for example, is only used during one part of the year. Why waste storage space in your home on seasonal decor? Other seasonal items include seasonal clothing, sports equipment, patio furniture, and lawn and garden tools. Most of these items are stored during the off season so you can declutter your home and make better use of your space by storing them in a portable storage container.


Organizing Your Home

We all get busy and we end up tossing items in closets, cabinets, and drawers without any thought. Unfortunately, this can lead to enormous clutter over time. You can make your life more organized and efficient by giving everything in your home a place. The easiest way to do this is to go through each room in your house and remove everything in it. As you put the items back, designate a special place for each item and put like items together. A portable storage container provides the space you need to store and sort through items as you organize.


Staging or Redecorating Your Home

Perhaps you are moving and you need to stage your home to put it on the market. Or, it might be that you just want to spruce up your home and give it a fresh new look. Either way, you are going to have to move items and rearrange some furniture. A portable storage container gives you the ability to move excess furniture and decor out of the way while you are staging and redecorating your home.

Dusty Rhodes