
8 Simple Tips for Moving Across the Country with Young Children ​

by Dusty Rhodes on Apr 05, 2019  in 
  • Packing Tips
  • Home Storage
  • Organization
  • Long Distance Move
  • affordable moving
  • Moving
long distance moving advice

Relocating can be an incredibly stressful time in your life.  Add young children to the mix, and your stress level is totally magnified. While moving across the country can be exciting, it can also be a little scary and overwhelming.  You might have anticipated squeals of delight, only to be met with tear stricken faces. The good news, is that kids are resilient and have the ability to adjust, and fortunately there are things you can do to make the moving process easier for them.  Here are 8 tips that can help you move across the country with young children.


Prepare the kids for what to expect.

Kids are naturally creatures of habit.  They thrive on structure and routine and anything that will throw them off their routine will seem scary to them.  Young children will probably not fully understand what “moving” means.  Explain this to them and tell them exactly what is going to happen during the moving process.


 Let the kids help you pack.

 Even small children can help sort toys and put things in boxes.  Let them help         pack their belongings.  Explain that their things will be put away for a while but they will get them back as soon as they get to their new home. Involving them in the packing process helps them to feel like they are part of the move.


Make packing fun.

Small children might not like the idea of putting their favorite toys in boxes and sealing them shut.  You can make the process more fun by letting the children decorate their boxes with markers and stickers.  This will also help your children to locate their boxes more easily when it’s time to unpack.


Pack a special “favorites” bag.

Let your child pick a few of their favorite items such as toys, stuffed animals, or blankets and let them pack those items in a special bag that they can keep with them during the move.  This will provide comfort and help ease the process of packing up their things.


Arm them for the road.

Moving across the country means a long time riding in the car so you need to arm your kids with plenty of entertainment. Pack an “activities” bag filled with coloring books, books, stickers, electronic games, and other fun car activities.  You should also pack a cooler with snacks and drinks.


Enjoy family time on the road.

Moving across the country is very stressful so take advantage of the quality time you get to spend with your family along the way.  Make stops at cool attractions along the way.  Play games and have sing-a-longs in the car.  Talk to your children about what they are feeling and remind them of how exciting it will be to see a new city, have a new home, and make new friends.


Make unpacking just as fun.

While packing your children’s boxes, secretly place a small toy in each box.  Then, when it comes time to unpack, tell your children they get to hunt for the special surprise in each box.  This will make unpacking quicker and more fun!


Let them explore.

Once you arrive at your new home, give your kids a chance to explore.  While it might be tempting to get started unpacking all of those boxes, your kids need time to get adjusted.  Wait a few days before unloading and just spend time exploring the new city, house, and neighborhood with your kids.  This will help them to feel more comfortable in a strange place.








Dusty Rhodes