
First Annual Arizona Truck Pull

by Dusty Rhodes on Mar 25, 2019  in 
  • Testimonials
  • SMARTBOX Helps
AZ Truck Pull

Over 1 million people in Arizona receive emergency food each year – that is more than 19,000 people every week. You can help make a difference by supporting Move for Hunger. This year our Franchisee in Phoenix, Beltmann Relocation Group, wants your help in making the 1st Annual Arizona Truck Pull a huge success! A truck pull is an exciting, community-building event. Teams of ten will compete to see who can pull a semi truck 100 feet the fastest. The day will include fun prizes, vendors, awards, and refreshments for all ages.

If you live in the local area please come out to support this non-profit organization( ) that mobilizes the relocation industry to fight hunger and reduce food waste. In addition to collecting food from people who are moving to new homes, Move for Hunger helps companies and individuals across the United States and Canada organize successful food drives. To date, they have collected more than 12 million pounds of food.

Date:  Saturday, April 13th, 2019

Location: Uncle Bear’s Brewery, 612 East Germann Road, Gilbert, AZ 85297

Time: 2:00pm- 6:00pm

Dusty Rhodes