
The Do’s and Don’ts of Using a Portable Storage Unit

by Dusty Rhodes on Nov 30, 2018  in 
  • Home Storage
  • Packing Tips
  • Moving
  • Portable Storage
  • Organization
  • Contractor Storage
  • Corporate Storage
  • Long Distance Move

Sometimes we could all benefit from a little extra space and portable storage units can really come in handy.  Whether you are moving, renovating your home, or just in need of a bit more storage space for your household belongings, portable storage units can prove to be a smart solution.  When it comes to renting and packing a portable storage unit, some things are pretty much common sense but others are a bit trickier.  To help you get the most out of your storage space, here are a few do’s and don’ts of packing portable storage units.



  • Have a plan before you begin packing your items in the storage unit.Anything that you will need to access should be set aside to be put in last so you can reach it easily.You want to eliminate the need for rearranging items at a later date once things have already been packed.
  • Make sure you have a clear walkway within your unit.It can be hard to navigate a storage unit when it is completely full.That’s why it’s important to keep a walkway down the middle so you can easily maneuver inside the unit and get to your belongings if needed.
  • Make a map of your unit and write down exactly where everything is in your unit as you pack.Take a picture of the map and tape a copy on the inside of your unit.This will help you to ensure everything is packed that needs to be and you will also be able to locate items more easily.
  • Label all of your boxes on all sides. This way you can easily identify the contents of each box and you don’t have to worry that the words won’t show if the box gets put in backwards.
  • Disassemble large pieces of furniture in order to maximize the space inside the unit.It’s also a good idea to save the instructions for all of the items you have disassembled and place bolts, screws, and nuts in a labeled container.
  • Store painting and mirrors on end and not flat.You can also protect art, fragile mirrors, and furniture by covering them with moving pads or blankets.
  • You can use free standing shelves as a great way to keep your unit neat and organized.



  • Never wrap furniture or other items in plastics as this can retain moisture causing damage to your furniture and belonging.
  • Don’t just stack any boxes on top of each other.Remember that the heaviest boxes need to be at the bottom with lighter ones on top.
  • Do not store food or plants in your unit.These items can attract unwanted visitors and you want to keep bugs and rodents out.
  • Never store anything that is flammable such as oils, fuels, propane, weapons/ammunition, or aerosols.Gas powered items should always be drained before packing.
  • Never leave your unit unlocked.Although it might seem more convenient to access your unit if it is unlocked, doing so puts you at risk of having your valuable items stolen.



Dusty Rhodes