
3 Smart Tips for Setting a Packing Timeline for Your Next Move

by Dusty Rhodes on Oct 12, 2018  in 
  • Storage Tips
  • Portable Storage
  • affordable moving
packing tips blog 10-12-18

Moving from one house to another is an extremely busy time and it takes a great deal of planning and organization in order to avoid last minute chaos.  Time management is crucial and failure to make the most of the weeks, days, and hours leading up to the move could result in extreme stress.  The toughest and most time consuming task associated with moving is easily the packing part.  The solution lies in creating an organized packing timeline to keep you on track and help you stay motivated throughout the moving process.  Here are a few tips for creating a packing timeline that is organized, efficient, and as stress-free as possible.


Start Well in Advance

Some people are lucky enough to have plenty of advance notice before their move while others might be in more of a time crunch.  In most cases, however, it’s safe to assume you will have at least one month to get your things packed up.  The first piece of advice is to begin preparing for your move as soon as you can.  About 4-5 weeks before moving day, sit down and make a list of everything that you will need to do in order to pack. Write down all of the materials and supplies you need to purchase such as boxes, packing paper, bubble wrap, packing tape, etc.  Designate a few days to be your “declutter days” where you will get rid of any unwanted items.  Choose a week to pack up those infrequently used items and fragile items.  About 2 weeks before moving day, begin packing up the rest of your belongings and identify your essentials.  Save the last week for the rest of your last-minute items.  The most important thing to remember….don’t procrastinate.  Have a plan in place and stick to it.


Be Reasonable When Setting Your Timeline

The biggest mistake people make when packing for their house is trying to do too much in a short amount of time.  If you want to have a successful move and avoid chaos, your best bet is to set realistic goals for your timeline.  For example, try to accomplish only 1 or 2 goals per week.  You might give yourself 1 week to declutter and gather moving supplies.  The next week focus on packing the attic, garage, and less frequently used items.  The next week might be set aside for packing the bedrooms and the kitchen.  When you break it down into smaller projects, another reason why it’s better to start well in advance!


Allow for a Little Flexibility in Your Timeline

When you are creating a packing timeline, try not to time it right down to the last minute before you have to be out of your home.  In reality, there will be unexpected delays and unforeseen obstacles.  Therefore, be sure to add a little extra wiggle room in your timeline to compensate for these unexpected delays.  For example, it might take 3 days instead of 2 to unpack your attic.  You might miss a whole day of packing to deal with a sick child.  You might be so busy at work that you have to put off packing for an extra day or two.  Avoid added pressure and stress by factoring these “extra days” into your timeline.  The best case scenario is that you won’t get behind schedule and these extra days will be rest days. 

Dusty Rhodes