
Moving into a College Dorm Like a Boss

by Dusty Rhodes on Aug 17, 2018  in

College is a time of transition for many eighteen to twenty-two year olds across the country each year. A new location, with many new people, while having to think about and ultimately figure out what long-term career path to pursue are all things that must be taken into account when deciding where to spend the next four to five years of your life after high school. In addition to all of these decisions, you must also figure out living arrangements. For many first year college students, this means moving into a dorm room. Listed below are several tips and suggestions for moving into your dorm room successfully.

Bring/Proofread the Paperwork- Like many other areas of transition, when the move is made into a dorm, many administrative issues must be taken care of. You have to fill out what seems like piles and piles of paperwork. Roommate preferences, residence hall policies, etc. are all part of the paperwork process. Make sure to organize and sort your dorm paperwork in an easy and efficient manner, which will make it easier to find when you need it. Also, if there is any paperwork that must be turned in on moving day, proofread it thoroughly and make copies if allowed to do so. This will help to give you a peace of mind, while having copies of everything for your records.

Storage, Storage, Storage- When you make the move into your new dorm, you will obviously need to bring things with you. With that said, you will need to find a way to store them in an efficient manner. There are some different storage options to consider. The option that you ultimately decide on will have a lot to do with the amount of storage space you have. If your new living quarters are large enough, consider investing in portable storage bins that can offer more storage space in addition to your closet or dresser. Storage bins, dressers, and closets are all great options. What if you realize that even after you use one of these options, that you still have things that will not be able to go into your room?  Rent a larger storage unit. Many companies offer cost-effective, portable, spacious, and weather-resistant storage options. In addition to this, some storage companies are also known to offer long-term storage options as well. The items that are unable to go in your dorm room will remain safe and secure for as long as needed.

Pictures, Postcards, and Notes- Moving away from home into a new environment can present many different challenges for college students. Yes, everyone knows that when you move into a dorm facility, you are going to have to physically move your things to a new location and start a new chapter in your life. This can also have a mental and emotional effect on college students as well. Moving away from family and life-long friends can be tough. In order to ease these tough times, consider bringing pictures, hand written notes, or post cards from family and friends back home.


Make a Check List- Write everything down that you know you are going to need. A few days before you make the trek to you new home, go down your list, pack it up, and physically check it off. Doing so will help you to see that you have everything you need. If you happen to miss something, you can go back, pack it before you leave or buy it at a supply store when you get to school.


Dusty Rhodes