
The Ultimate Checklist for Packing Up Your Kitchen

by Dusty Rhodes on Jan 17, 2018  in 
  • Packing Tips
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So, the time has come to pack your kitchen for a move. The kitchen is probably the hardest room to pack, with all of its small items, drawers, and cupboards. There is just so much stuff to sort through and it can easily become an overwhelming task.  Better yet, it is not a job you can rush through because you risk broken dishes and shattered glasses. Use this checklist to ease the process and make sure you get everything sorted, packed, and ready for moving day!

Sort and Purge
Let’s face it…we all have lots of odds and ends crammed in the back of drawers and cabinets.  Many of these items are rarely (if ever) used so shy waste time packing what you don’t need? This is the perfect time to go through your kitchen and decide what you do and don’t need to take with you. Consider donating any old appliances and various items that have been collecting dust in your cabinets.

If you still have the original boxes for your appliances, use them.  If not, you will need to gather some medium-sized boxes. Before packing, make sure each appliance is clean and dry.  Remove any small parts and fragile items before placing them in the box. Wrap any fragile pieces in bubble wrap and fill empty space in the box with newspaper or packing paper. Place the smaller parts for the appliance on top of the bubble wrap.

Start with some medium-sized boxes and line the bottoms of the boxes with bubble wrap. Next, wrap each plate with packing paper and carefully stack them on top of each other, adding an extra layer of bubble wrap between every 3 dishes. Follow this same rule for packing bowls and glassware. For your most fragile items, you can also add an extra layer of padding by wrapping a towel or t-shirts around the items.

If you throw loose silverware into a box you are going to have to sort through a mess when you go to unpack. Furthermore, loose silverware can damage other items in your box.  Instead, begin by sorting your silverware. Use a rubber band to wrap like pieces together and place in large Ziploc bags. This will keep your silverware neatly organized throughout the move.

Pots and Pans
To ensure you have the right size box, grab your largest pan and place it into the box to make sure it lies flat. Now you are ready to begin stacking your smaller pots and pans on top. Wrap glass lids with packing paper and fill extra space in the box with additional newspaper or packing paper.

Packing your Pantry
Now is a great time to go through your pantry and discard and expired or unwanted items. Next, seal all open boxes of food. Make sure you pack anything that is likely to spill in a plastic bag to protect the other items in the box. Set aside any perishable items to be eaten before moving day.

Utensils and Miscellaneous Items
Our kitchens are full of utensils and small gadgets. Wrap these items with a single layer of packing paper and stuff them into the extra spaces in your other boxes. 

Label, Label, Label
There is nothing more frustrating than scouring every box looking for a particular kitchen item. Label each box with its contents so you know exactly where to find items when you need them. Also, be sure and mark boxes that are fragile to ensure they are handled with extra care.

Pack and Essentials Box
Needless to say there will be very little cooking going on for the first couple of days at your new home. Pack an essentials box with non-perishable snacks and items for simple meals such as cereal or breakfast bars. Include paper plates and disposable cups and silverware as well as some bottled waters.

Dusty Rhodes