
7 Steps for Organizing Your Move Beforehand

by Dusty Rhodes on Oct 17, 2017  in 
  • Moving
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Moving is one of the most stressful and strenuous tasks you will ever have to do, but you can simplify the process by organizing your moving plan beforehand.  It doesn’t matter whether you are moving across the country or just down the street, staying organized is the key to a successful move.  Use these seven steps to create a plan that will keep your move organized from start to finish. 

Purge the Old Stuff
Chances are you are not going to want to take everything you own to your new home.  Most people have lots of things stuffed into closets, attics, and the garage that they no longer need.  There is no need to waste time and space packing items that you don’t need so take the time beforehand to go through and get rid of these unwanted items. 

Gather Moving Supplies

Don’t wait until a week before you move to start looking for boxes and packing paper.  Instead, start gathering these materials about a month beforehand.  If you are willing to visit your local grocery stores or warehouse supply store you can probably get lots of boxes for free.  You can also save money by saving old newspapers to wrap fragile items.   You should also stock up on packing tape, packing paper, and bubble wrap. 

Hire a Mover

This isn’t quite as easy as just picking up the phone.  You will want to get in-home estimates from a few different moving companies to compare prices.  You will also want to research various companies beforehand to make sure you are selecting a company with a good reputation.  Once you have decided on a moving company, it is best to reserve them as soon as you know your moving date.

Investigate Storage Options

If you are moving to an interim location until your house is ready or you are planning to do some renovations right away, you will want to consider having some extra storage for your belongings.  You might also need a portable storage unit where you can store your belongings and furniture while you are packing.  Once you decide on your storage needs, go ahead and reserve a storage unit. 

Plan a Packing Party

Packing alone can be tiresome and overwhelming.  Liven up the mood with a few friends and family.  Order some pizzas and snacks and provide food in exchange for their help.  Spend the day packing as much as you can but remember not to pack items that you will be continuing to use such as certain kitchen items, towels, etc.  Be sure to use extra caution when packing fragile items by wrapping with packing paper or bubble wrap.

Label, Label, Label!

Make sure all of your boxes are clearly labeled so you and your movers will know exactly where they need to go.  This will also help when you are unpacking so you will know the contents of each box and you will know which boxes need to be unpacked first.

Take Care of Housekeeping
Moving requires more than just packing boxes.  There are also lots of little housekeeping duties that need to be taken care of as well.  Start by requesting a change of address.  You can do this online or by filling out a form at your local post office.  Next, you will need to contact your utility company to transfer your service.  Finally, you will need to contact your cable and internet providers to transfer those services as well.

You may not be able to avoid all of the moving headaches but you can certainly ease the process with this step-by-step timeline.  Taking a little time to organize ahead of time will save you loads of stress and ensure you have a smooth transition.

Dusty Rhodes