
4 Ways to Care for Pets When Moving

by Dusty Rhodes on Sep 11, 2017  in 
  • SMARTBOX Moving Tips
Seasonal Storage

Moving is very stressful for people so just imaging how anxious it can make our pets.  Pets can easily become stressed when there is a great deal of activity in their home or when they are introduced to a new environment.  Here are a few tips for making your move as easy and stress free as possible for the entire family, including your pet.

  1. On moving day, the best way to reduce stress for your pet is to keep them in the quietest area possible.  It is recommended to have your pet stay with a friend or family member while the house is being packed up, but if you are unable to do so just make sure they are removed from the noise and action.  You could leave them in an empty bedroom and close the door or leave them in the backyard if the temperature is comfortable.  Check on them regularly and try to walk them a couple of times to get them exercised. 
  2. When you are transporting your pet it is best to move them in your own vehicle.  Put them in a carrier or kennel and place it in the backseat of your car.  It can also be helpful to place a blanket over their kennel, as this can help reduce stress from the changing environment. 
  3. When you get to your new home, keep your pet confined to just a small area of the home at first.  Allow them to adjust slowly to a small space before giving them the reign of the house.  This is especially important for cats, as they tend to get very nervous in new environments.  Give your pet plenty of attention and make sure to give them familiar objects such as blankets, favorite toys, or a bed as they adjust to their new surroundings.
  4. For long-distance moves, plan ahead and call to reserve pet-friendly hotels.  You should also consider the fact that your pet might get carsick and contact your vet beforehand for prescribed medicines.  On a long distance move, be sure and make plenty of stops so your pet can get out, walk around, and have a chance to use the restroom. 

The activities and sounds of moving day can be very difficult for animals.  Add to that the stress of a new environment and your pet might become very anxious.  Be considerate of your pets when moving and follow these important recommendations so that you and your beloved pet can both enjoy your new home. 

Dusty Rhodes