
5 Essential Tips for Driving Across the Country

by Dusty Rhodes on May 12, 2017  in 
  • affordable moving
Corporate Relocation

Many Americans drive countless miles each year and view the breathtaking scenery as they travel to their destination.  Whether it is from Miami to Los Angeles or Boston to Seattle, cross country drives are very popular.  With this in mind, you should consider several tips to help your road trip be as successful as possible.  When you are properly prepared, you will be able to enjoy the journey and not just the destination.

Have Reliable Navigation- A trustworthy form of navigation is essential when making a long drive.  There are many different types of GPS systems available, and you should consider your needs and travel plans when making your selection.  If you plan to rely on your phone, be certain coverage will be available throughout your route.  If you prefer old school methods, a map is a great item to use on your adventure.

Be Prepared for Emergencies- It is always a good idea to leave a travel itinerary with another person so someone else is aware of your plans if trouble should arise.  You should carry a list of emergency contacts on you, and it is smart to include these numbers in your phone as ICE (In Case of Emergency).  If you are traveling through rural areas, it is smart to have a list of available gas stations and hotels on your route.  You might travel through an area with limited options available, and it never hurts to be prepared.  Road assistance options are also something you should consider.  Flat tires and dead batteries happen more often than you think, and if you are not familiar with auto repairs, you could opt for a roadside assistance service.

Bring Entertainment and Food- “Are we there yet?  I’m hungry!”  Many cross-country or long trip motorists hear these common questions, often coming from children in the backseat.  To help curb the boredom, you should plan some entertainment and food options beforehand to help make the road trip more enjoyable for everyone.  Card games, movies, coloring books, and group games such as “I Spy” are wonderful options, and for food, crackers, fruit snacks, and granola bars are options you can simply grab and go.

Stay Flexible- As you travel on a road trip, stay flexible.  You should make a plan and stick to it as much as possible, but accidents and emergencies happen.  From traffic delays to spilled drinks to sick children or car trouble, chances are that some type of unforeseen situation will arise, and you can choose to let it steal your joy or embrace it as part of the journey.  Instead of stressing about something you cannot fix, just laugh and keep on going.

Have Fun- Throughout your road trip adventure, be sure to actually enjoy it.  If you see a roadside attraction that interests your group, take time to stop and check it out.  Instead of constantly being on your phone, look out the window and enjoy the picturesque scenery.  Make sure to take pictures and enjoy the journey.  These will be special memories if you spend time having fun and enjoying the road trip.

Whether your next road trip is part of a vacation or cross county move, these tips will help turn it into a success.

Dusty Rhodes