

How to Safely and Properly Move a Home Gym

by Dusty Rhodes on Apr 17, 2017  in 
  • Moving
Moving Tips

Over the years, working out and weight training have become popular activities for people across the country.  It is a great way to improve physical fitness, boost self-esteem, and it can also be used as a positive stress reliever.  If you are like many people, chances are you have a busy schedule and live an active life.  In between working eight hours a day, possibly taking the kids to and from extracurricular activities, cooking meals when you have time, and maintaining your own well-being, there may not be any extra time for you to actually go to a gym.  Fortunately, in-home gyms have become more and more popular as the years go by.  Just knowing that you can work out in the comfort of your own home is very appealing to many people nowadays.  Of course, if you ever encounter a situation that requires you to change residences, you are probably going to take the in-home exercise equipment with you. If this happens to be the case, then SMARTBOX wants to assist you by offering a few handy tips on how to safely and properly move your in-home gym below.    

Always Keep the Instructions & Boxes- As tempting as it may be to get rid of them the moment after you initially set everything up, try to keep track of the instructions and boxes to all weight machines and equipment.  This will help ensure that everything is disassembled and reassembled properly before and after the move to your new location is made.  Additionally, and most importantly, keeping the instructions could also help prevent injury while you are trying to break everything down and move it.  It is much easier and safer to take something apart or put it back together when you have the actual instructions and the actual boxes versus doing it by freehand or from memory. 

Keep Track of all Loose and Spare Parts- Some weight training equipment and machines may have several loose or spare parts that come with them.  If part of your in-home gym falls into this category, remember to keep all of these particular parts in one safe area that is easy to transport.  SMARTBOX knows from first-hand experience that moving can be somewhat hectic at times, especially if it seems like all of your stuff is scattered everywhere.  Keeping everything organized, in-home gym equipment included, will keep everything out of the way and in designated areas.  This could also help prevent possible injuries during moving day, which will make the experience easier and less stressful for everyone involved. 

Do Not Cram and Jam- If you are like most people, you likely are not a fan of the packing portion of the moving process.  At times, we all just prefer to try and cram it all in three or four boxes as quickly as we can to just be done with it.  With gym equipment and other related items, it is crucial to remember to slow down and take your time.  Getting in a hurry and trying to cram and jam everything into just a few boxes or places will only add to your stress level as the move goes on.  Not to mention, long-term damage could be done to all of your objects if you do not use enough boxes or storage space.  Utilizing a storage unit could be very valuable if you need to store fitness machinery or other items.  Many units are large, spacious, and capable of holding things in organized sections.  Not only that, but many storage units provide exterior protection that shields the precious contents of the unit from the elements and any potential inclement weather.  Lastly, should you happen to need a long-term storage option for your gym equipment, many times that request can be accommodated as well. 

SMARTBOX knows that many of our customers are very passionate about working out and staying in great shape.  We hope that the above information will benefit you as you look for ways to transport your in-home gym to a new location both safely and properly.  If you would like any further information about our products and services, please contact us at 1-877-627-8269.  Our customer service representatives are standing by, waiting to be of assistance.

Dusty Rhodes