
How to Store Holiday Decorations Effectively

by Dusty Rhodes on Dec 28, 2016  in 
  • Storage Tips

It’s that time of year once again, the holidays are here! A time of eating food, spending time with family, and friends, gift giving and receiving, and just plain fun all the way around. And, if you have Christmas trees, lights, or ornaments, it’s time to put those to use as well. Before, during, and after all the celebrating is complete, you will want to find ways to store all of your decorations effectively. So keep reading to discover some helpful suggestions when it comes to holiday storage.

Don’t take the Tree Down- Yes, if you like Christmas trees, then you know first-hand that one of the most stressful times of the holidays can be having to physically take the time to take the tree down. So don’t, leave it assembled. You could invest in some large plastic bags and zip ties. Put the plastic bags over the tree, closing the bags with zip ties and store your artificial tree fully assembled!

Plastic Bins and Storage Containers- Plastic bins and storage containers are always a productive and effective storage option. You could invest in several plastic containers and store your holiday decorations in them. And to stay organized, label each container, depending on the type of decorations that are inside. This can definitely become a long-lasting, cost-effective option that will make packing and unpacking your holiday decorations much quicker and easier.

Wrap Em Up- Yes, everyone knows it is common practice to wrap presents during the holiday season. After all of your presents are wrapped and unwrapped again, don’t forget to wrap the ornaments when it is time to disassemble and store everything until next year. Use soft material when wrapping your decorative ornaments in order to preserve and protect them until they are ready to be used again. Sheets or towels are common household items that can be used to accomplish this task.

Use the Attic or a Storage Unit- Many people today often use their attics to store holiday decorations. This can be very effective, and in addition to this renting a storage unit is another viable option if you prefer. Many storage units are spacious and portable, which will allow you to take comfort in knowing that everything will remain protected, while being very easily accessible.

The holiday season is commonly known as a time for fun festivities with family and friends. It is a great time for fellowship and to celebrate with the people you care about the most. We hope that these holiday decoration storing and organizing tips will allow you to do just that. If you would like more information on our SMARTBOX moving and storage services and solutions, please contact us at 1-877-627-8269, or browse through our additional Blogs.

Dusty Rhodes