
How to Pack Your Clothes When Moving

by Dusty Rhodes on Sep 26, 2016  in 
  • SMARTBOX Moving Tips
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Sometimes you do not realize how much clothing you actually have until you begin the moving process. And then when you take everything out of your closet to begin the packing process, the amount of clothing you have can be overwhelming at times. That is where effective and efficient packing and storage tips for all of your clothes come into play when moving. 

Separate All Clothing - First things first. Separate all of your clothes into two piles, one pile to keep and the other to donate or throw away. This may take some dedicated time and space to start off because you may have to try some of your clothes back on, but it will give you a very clear picture of just how much clothing you will be taking to your new address. On top of that, you will have an opportunity to put the clothing you no longer need to good use by donating it if you chose to not throw it away. 

Label Your Clothes - Once all of your clothes are separated, you can take things a step further.  You can now label and organize your clothes in several ways. You can get some pack-friendly boxes, labeling each based on the different types of garments you may have. One for shirts, one for shorts, one for hats/headwear, and so on. This will make the unpacking process at your new location much easier. You will know exactly which clothes are in which box, making a huge chunk of your relocation process a lot less tedious. 

Invest In a Storage Unit - Many moving companies out there today offer storage units at a very reasonable price. And, if you can find portable units that can be kept at a storage facility, you will receive additional value for your investment. All of your clothes will be kept safe and secure until you need them.

Leave them on the Hanging Rack- If space allows; just detach your hanging rack from your closet, leaving your clothes on the rack during transport to your new residence. Then all you will have to do is put the rack in the desired location at your new home.

Take out a Week’s Worth of Clothes- There is a lot of time and effort that is involved with moving in general. Sometimes, it may take a few days to get everything unpacked. If you are in this situation, having clothes that you can get to easily is definitely a plus. This also will cut down on the amount of clothing that you actually have to pack with everything else. This will not only help you when you are packing your clothes, but it will help speed up the overall transitional phase between locations. 

Clothing is one of the essential items you have to have regardless of your location. The more effectively and efficiently you can pack them in between locations, the better off your relocation process is going to be. Hopefully you will find these tips helpful as you pack clothes for your move. You can browse through our other Blogs for additional moving and storage information.

Dusty Rhodes