
Moving Tips for Military Families

by Dusty Rhodes on Jul 26, 2016  in 
  • Moving

The words military and moving often go hand and hand, you do not get one without the other.  This can often put stress of all kinds on those who serve in the military and their families.  There are several tips and suggestions out there that can help turn what may be thought of initially as a negative, stressful experience into an overall positive, pleasing experience for all parties involved. 

The Lighter the Better- Pack Light.  Only take the items that are absolute necessities for you and your family.  Remember, there are Wal-marts, Walgreens, and convenient stores all over the country.  You are very likely to run into one of these stores between moving points should something during the moving process that you do not have.

Stay Organized- Organization is one of the main keys to staying positive and stress free during a time of transition.  Make checklists, itinerates, and always communicate whenever possible to make sure that everyone involved in the moving process is always on the same page.  This will allow everyone to know what their responsibilities are, as well as make the over transition process that much smoother. 

Eat at Restaurants Before the Move- Not only will this allow you and your family to relax, but it will also prevent trips to the grocery store to buy any excess food that you might not eat before leaving your current location.  Let the restaurants cook it, you eat it and drink it, and let them clean up the mess.

Use Paper Plates and Plastic Silverware- If you do choose to eat at home before or during the move, paper plates and plastic silverware should become your best friends.  This will create an easy, quick, and efficient way to clean up the kitchen.  Just eat and throw away, no washing of dishes necessary.    

Ask for Advice and Help- If you know anyone that has already experienced a military move, get their perspective on the do’s and don’ts about the transition period.  Whether it is extra sets of hands, or moral support, your family and friends will be happy to help you with the move if they are able and available. 

Keep All Your Valuables in One Place- Birth certificates, marriage licenses, wedding rings, and medical records should be kept in one place that is easy to access.  This will decrease the risks of any of a valuables get lost or misplaced.  And, if get in a situation where you need to verify any records, you will be able to go to one place quickly to access them. 

These tips should be helpful to you and your family while making a military move.  If you would like more information on moving or additional resources that will help you to complete the moving process, feel free to browse through our website, visit our Moving page or check out our Blog. We offer a variety of moving resources that will help you with all of your moving goals and needs, and we encourage you to check back for our newest Blog additions.

Dusty Rhodes