

What You Should Store and What You Should Toss

by Dusty Rhodes on Mar 18, 2016  in 
  • Storage Tips
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Establishing a home is an exciting process, one that allows you the opportunity to place your own personal stamp on each and every aspect. As the years go by, memories are made, decorations are added, along with many items leaving you with one question. “What do I store, and what do I toss?”

When it comes to answering the question of whether or not to store or throw an item away, it can be quite a challenge. This is especially true if you have a sentimental attachment to the items you are still holding onto. While letting go of some belongings may be harder than others, it is important to keep your home clutter-free so that you can have a clean and organized living space.

If you have accumulated several items over the years, and you are trying to determine what you should store and what you should toss out, here are some tips that you can use as a helpful guide.

How long have you had the item?
Some items are easier to store and toss than others. For example, old bills and files from several years ago can easily be stored or tossed, depending on the nature of their contents. If highly personal information is contained in the documents, consider scanning them into files you can store on the computer so you can free up filing space in your home. Shred and toss out old paper forms of your documents and you will add more space into your home.

If you have been holding onto items for years that serve no purpose whatsoever, and have no value to you at all, these are items that you should toss out because they are taking up space without function. Storage is for items that you still want to keep, serve a functioning purpose and have a value significant to you.

When was the last time you used the item?
Often times, old books, clothes, music and various other household items sit in closets, basements, and attics without being used for months at a time. In cases like these, many of the items are taking up useful space in the home, but are not offering up any type of functionality. A good tip is that if you have not used an item within the last two years, it is a good indication that you can toss the item out or give it away.

You will be amazed at how much additional space you can gain, simply by tossing out or storing items. Keep in mind though, it is still a great idea to give or donate items that can still be used because it can help someone else in the process.  

As you evaluate each item, ask yourself, when you used the item last, how often you use the item, or if you really need the item anymore. If you are uncertain about an item, place it in storage. Tossing an item out is permanent, but storage gives you the time to think about what you want to do with an item, in the event you decide you are not ready to part with it. 

Does the item have any value?
This is a tough question for many because a lot of items have sentimental value which you can’t really put a price tag on. From precious family heirlooms to one-of-a kind keepsakes that have meaning beyond any dollar value. A good tip is to store any item that has sentimental value to you. You can still change your mind at a later date and decide to give the item away or toss it out, but at least by storing your treasured heirlooms, you have the opportunity to revisit what you want to do with them at a later date.

If you have items in your home that have lost their current value, are outdated and have no sentimental value, it might be time to consider tossing them out. Keep in mind though, you always have the option to donate any belongings you no longer use or need and you have the option to give them away. There are several people who can always use what you no longer need and you will be helping someone else in the process.

Hopefully, these tips and helpful suggestions will enable you to make the determination about what you should store and what you should toss out. For more storage tips or ways that you can add more storage into your living space, visit our Storage page, Blog or website. 

Dusty Rhodes