
Moving to a New Community? Five Ways to Adjust

by Dusty Rhodes on Jun 29, 2015  in 
  • Moving
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Moving to a new place can feel a little overwhelming, especially if you don’t know anyone or much about the area. Feeling a little displaced at first is normal, especially if you are trying to adapt to a new environment. Making adjustments and settling in can be done though. If you have recently transferred or are looking to move to a new city, there are helpful ways that you can learn to adjust to your new location.

To learn more about your new community, here are a few SMART tips designed to help you adapt and settle in:

SMART Tip 1: Learn about your new area

Learning more about your new community is a helpful way to settle in. Visit your local library to find out points of interest or facts about what the area is known for. Check out area museums and gain a sense of what is historical about the area.Plan day trips and sightseeing trips around the city to gain an appreciation of what is significant about the region.

SMART Tip 2: Meet your neighbors

Meeting your neighbors is a great way to make new friends and gain insight into your new locale. Attend local events and festivals to get out and meet the community. Join a local group or take a class so that you can interact with others and develop a social network in your new community.

Check out social media to see if you have any contacts who live in your new area or an alumni network you can connect with. Chances are, if they have a branch in your area, you will be able to get in touch with them as well as meet new people.

SMART Tip 3: Volunteer

Getting involved in a cause or helping out the community is a great way to connect with others and give back in the process. Depending on the nature of the event, you can meet a lot of people and learn more about the community all at the same time.

Check your local listings for charity events, food drives, clothing drives and various other community efforts. Participate in sporting events as a volunteer or help out with entertainment festivals and events. These are all opportunities to stay connected with what is happening in your area and meet new people as well.

If you are a parent, get involved with activities at your child’s school. If possible, participate in events at the school and volunteer to go on field trips with your child’s class as an extra parent chaperone.

Volunteering will help you to adjust easier and feel a part of your new community.

SMART Tip 4: Establish your home

Getting established and settling into your new home is a great way to adjust to your new location. In fact, your home can become a resource for you to entertain neighbors and new friends. This is ideal if you still enjoy social settings and networking away from large crowds and venues.

From shopping at local furniture and decorating stores to finding additional décor for your home, these are great ways to establish and develop your home. Visit local art galleries for unique art pieces, as well as getting out and enjoying a creative experience in the area.

SMART Tip 5: Food

Food connects people and places and represents a great way for you to adjust to a new region. Try out some of the local cuisine by dining at restaurants specific to your new location. Shop at your local grocery stores or area market. Chances are, you can find some really great food options and gain a taste of the region.

Cook dinner for new friends and neighbors. Prepare a blend of your regional favorite foods and taste theirs. This is a delicious way to adapt to the neighborhood and enjoy some delicious food in the process.

So whether you have just moved or will be moving, we hope you will enjoy your new location. For additional helpful moving tips, visit our Moving page or check out some of our other posts on helpful moving tips.

Dusty Rhodes