
Spring Cleaning-Why You Need A Storage Unit

by Dusty Rhodes on Feb 20, 2015  in 
  • Cleaning
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With spring just around the corner, it’s almost time to start spring cleaning. If you are looking for tips to make your spring cleaning easier, using a storage unit is just what you need. A storage unit is beneficial all year round, but especially during the spring time because it offers a great way to eliminate winter clutter. Whether it’s for holiday storage, or simply freeing up space, a storage unit provides a great alternative to storing unused items during the spring.

Here are some helpful tips on how you can clean SMART this spring:

Free up space

As spring approaches, take inventory of your seasonal items. For holiday decorations that are no longer being used, pack them up and place them in storage. You will be amazed at how much space you can gain simply by storing away unused seasonal décor.

Clutter has a tendency to accumulate during the winter months, in part because of extra holiday shopping and gifts received. Placing various items in storage is a great way to rid your home of seasonal clutter without permanently discarding items. This way, your items are protected until you are ready to use them for the next season. Many people also find that clearing away certain items reveals belongings that you may have forgotten you have, saving you money and clearing clutter all at the same time.


Spring time is about renewal, and organizing your home for the new season is a great way to start your spring off right. Placing fall and winter items in storage is a helpful way to organize your home, because it enables you to utilize current items for the season as you need them.

A good tip is to stage your items in your storage unit by season. This can be done all year round. By staging your items by season, you will find that it is easier to locate items, and you access them more quickly if needed.

Stay Healthy

Too many unused items have a tendency to collect dust, and dust means allergens. By simply removing unused, dusty items, and placing them in storage, you’ll get a head start on protecting yourself from spring’s seasonal allergies. With all of the unused, cluttered items out of the way, you can do a really great detailed cleaning for your home, and you’ll find that your home will smell cleaner and fresher.


Each new season brings a variety of new interior designs and styles for the home. If you are looking to spring clean your home by freshening up the appearance of your home, a storage unit is a great resource for you to move out your old furniture and bring in a clean, new look.

We hope that these tips will help you to clean SMART this spring, and if you have any questions about storage options, check out our Storage page.

Dusty Rhodes