
Why Choose Temporary Storage?

by Dusty Rhodes on Feb 09, 2015  in 
  • Storage
  • Storage Tips
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People use storage for many different reasons, and in many cases, storage is only needed for a short amount of time. So why use temporary storage? After all, if you are only going to be using storage for a limited amount of time, is it still really worth it? Absolutely! Temporary storage is convenient, especially if you need a temporary solution to storing your belongings. Check out some of the following reasons why temporary storage helps:

Affordability Storing your belongings temporarily is less expensive than storing them long term. Many short term rates and options are available for temporary storage with all of the same amenities you would expect from a longer storage term. In fact with SMARTBOX storage, you only pay for what you use, which is great for temporary storage.

In Between Moves Temporary storage provides great benefits if you are in between a permanent move. For example, if you are having a new home built, but it is not quite ready, and you have already sold your existing home, temporary storage can help. Placing your items in temporary storage will allow you to house your belongings in a protected space, while you wait for your new home to be finished.

De-clutter Your Home If you are running out of room, temporary storage is a great way to organize your home and free up much needed space. You would be amazed at how moving various items can give your home a new look and provide you with a clutter-free living space. Temporary storage also works great if you are in the process of selling your home, but you need extra space for a walk through and open house.

Renovations Home renovations are growing increasingly popular, and temporary storage offers a great solution for moving your belongings out of the way so renovation work can be completed. Temporary storage also provides protection for your items, so they are not subjected to potential scratches and damages during home remodeling.

Illness and Injury Illness or injury can strike at any time and you may find yourself in the midst of a hospital stay or short term recovery. In cases like these, it may be more beneficial and cost effective to move in with family and friends and temporarily give up your current living space. Your belongings will be there when you need them, but you can recuperate and rest assured that your items are protected.

Educators Every year, teachers pack up their classrooms for the summer, and in many cases, their items are stored with family members, in garages, attics or basements. Yet, if all of those options are unavailable, temporary storage, especially portable storage, provides an excellent alternative. With items conveniently stored and accessible, educators can save space and enjoy their summers free of extra clutter around the house. There are many more reasons to choose temporary storage, and we encourage you to check them out on our Storage page.

Dusty Rhodes